The Insufficiency of the 'YouTube Pastor'

“Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith.” (Hebrews 13:7, NASB)

Pastor vs. Entertainment

In a time where thousands of “preachers” and “pastors” and their content are a click away, many Christians within the local church have lost sight of the role of a pastor in their lives. To their surprise, pastors are not there to simply give a “good word” and then allow you to just pause the sermon, while you live your life without accountability and guidance.

We are called to not only view them and their role in our lives accurately, but we are called to respect and honor them for what they do; not only for God’s Kingdom, but our own personal lives as well. We are called to bear with (or receive with an open mind and heart) the word of God that has been spoken to us through them; and we are charged to “consider the result of their conduct,” something we cannot do if they are our “YouTube Pastor.”

I find it interesting the writer says, “consider the RESULT of their conduct,” as if to ‘put his money on God’ that the conduct of a righteous man, let alone a righteous under-shepherd, will inevitably bear good fruit and reward in the life of that man. 

In seeing this result, we are called to imitate the faith of these men who are given to us as authority to disciple us as we submit to their God-given leadership and guidance. We should desire the result of their faith; a life and conduct affirmed by God Himself. In this desire of the result of God-given faith, we should then want to follow in the steps of that faith.

It is not enough to just sit under a good teacher and preacher, but we should find a “good man” that lives well, leads well, and loves well; regardless of whether we like how it looks or how it feels. God will affirm a man’s conduct not by our own deceitful hearts, but by His evident anointing and biblical measure. 

Many people, especially young adult men, struggle with submission to another man — in other words, pride. I implore you to be mindful of this, as pride will convince your heart that a pastor is no good and mistake attempts for correction and accountability as an attack. Correction and accountability is exactly what they are there for.

“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.” (Hebrews 13:17, NASB)

Profiting from Submission

The “YouTube Pastor” cannot watch over our souls or hold us accountable, as Hebrews 13:17 says our elders and pastors should. As for those of us who are under the authority of a local church pastor, take notice of the writer’s words, “Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.” 

I know from experience that giving your leaders a headache and being difficult to serve, only harms your own spiritual well-being. Be a disciple that they want to be in proximity with, and you will bear the reward of their friendship, their wisdom, and their chastisement.

By grace, in my experience of rebellion, I have had a pastor who has served me beyond what has been comfortable, let alone “joyful” for him; and for that I am grateful of God’s mercy and grace through my pastor and several other leaders who have “turned me from the error of my way, and have saved my soul from death and cover a multitude of my sins” (James 5:19–20).

It is a good thing to have so much biblical and theological content (Heck! The entire Bible itself) in the palm of your hand at any given moment, but we should never forsake the role of following and submitting to a pastor within the context of the local church. It is a God-given command, and to rebel in such an area, is to be outside of the will of God. 

You should take every opportunity to learn from any content and resource you can get your hands on; but only in the context of community is a pastor or leader able to “watch over your soul” and be a model of conduct and faith to imitate. 

Submit to biblical church leadership, for this would be profitable for you.