Yesterday, Today, and Forever
The idea of our own mortality has been on my mind a lot recently. Time is something no one can stop, pause or rewind. When it comes to time, all we have of the past is our memories and what’s written down or created to show a picture or video. For the present, we are always in a constant state of deciding our future step to take and then it immediately becomes the past. However, the future, now that is something always very interesting. There are certainties in life even though the “how, why, or when” is not known, for instance, our death. We don’t know how, why, or when we will die, but you should get settled with the idea, because it will certainly happen.
All of this isn’t to be depressing in any way but actually more of an encouragement. The sentiment that even though this event of death is one that we have no control over, it can be encouraging when we understand Who has ultimate control. The future is something we can actually look forward to because we know the One that holds it all in His hands and is sovereign over it.
Jesus showed He defeated death by physically resurrecting three days after His physical death on the cross; and the Bible frequently encourages us believers to not fear or worry about death. We are told not to worry or fear death, because our future is going to be so much better than our present - no matter what our present looks like.
Consider this for yourself: Do you trust in Jesus for our present, because we trust that He is the one who holds our future in His hands?
Scripture references for further study:
Genesis 3:19
1 Corinthians 15:22
Hebrews 9:27
James 1:10
1 Peter 1:24