I’m going to shock you, you may want to make sure you’re sitting down for this — I believe Donald Trump might have actually been right…
Read MoreAs I celebrate my 32nd birthday I reflect on what those 32 years have look liked, who I’ve become, and what I’ve learned. Those reflections are as follows…
Read MoreI feel as though the label of conservatism has been hijacked by modern day republicanism. Especially in the eyes of those who have felt they’ve never had a home or have been served by the GOP. The two are no longer synonymous, maybe they never were.
Read MoreRecent comments by Whoopi Goldberg, as a commentator on ABC’s ‘The View’ have caused some backlash and even has Goldberg suspended from the show until further notice. So, what’s the deal here? What did she say? Why did she say this? And why the public reaction?
Read MoreDid Jesus truly die for every person, was His blood spilt on that cross for the entire world or just for a select number of God’s chosen? This is the question of Unlimited Atonement versus Limited Atonement? Which of these does the Bible actually teach?
Read MoreThe idea of our own mortality has been on my mind a lot recently. Time is something no one can stop, pause or rewind.
Read MoreIn a time where thousands of “preachers” and “pastors” and their content are a click away, many Christians within the local church have lost sight of the role of a pastor in their lives.
Read MoreThe declaration of God, “I will be their God, and they shall be My people” is all throughout the Biblical text. It is as if this is the longing of God’s heart. You see it from Genesis to Revelation — all of Scripture points to God’s redemptive plan to reconcile humanity to Himself.
Read MoreIn a political climate where both sides of the aisle warn of our nation’s utter destruction if the other side has their way, it isn’t a surprise Ben Franklin’s famous quote has become their favorite argument.
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