Posts tagged Christ
Lessons from a Fig Tree

When I think of barren, I think of a tree in the middle of winter; no leaves, nothing but dying branches. Jesus defines it differently. Barren, to Him, means fruitless. Why? Well, a tree that looks like it is what it’s supposed to be, but doesn’t produce the fruit it should may as well actually be barren. It’s useless. It’s deceiving. It serves no purpose. 

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It Didn't Have to be Like This

This truth prevails in our everyday lives today. Your life didn’t have to be this way. You didn’t have to experience the hurt, loss, poverty, loneliness, confusion, chaos, depression, addiction or any specific struggle you find yourself dealing with. It could’ve been avoided. It could’ve gone differently. God could have rewritten your story before He even crafted the skies and seas to exclude every major struggle you’ve experienced…

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