Ahmaud Arbery... Where is Jesus in My Reaction?
Recently, a video has been released of the killing of Ahmaud Arbery. Seemingly another unarmed black man killed unjustly, seen as a threat simply because of the color of his skin.
I hesitate to share my thoughts when events like this happen. I feel a burden to be exhaustive in my thoughts, that whatever I contribute to the general conversation, it should not cause more anger, it should not cause more fear, that it should not cause more hopelessness - the most perfect answer any of us could ever offer is simply Jesus. And so many times I don’t even know what that means. I mean even bible believing Christians (the ones with empathy and common sense) get tired of saying Jesus is the answer.
Why do I feel this way, if Jesus truly is the answer?
Well, Biblically:
• Because Jesus is angry too. (Romans 1:18)
• Because Jesus is mourning too. (John 11:33-35)
• Because Jesus desires sin to be done away with too. (1 John 3:4-5)
• Because Jesus is tired of grace being abused too. (Romans 6:14-15)
So, if I am righteous in my emotion, then why am I conflicted?
Because biblically I’m called to pursue justice (righteousness) and yet let God be Judge. I’m called to be angered by what angers God and yet love who has angered Him. I strive to see the gospel bring restoration and redemption in this world, and yet I know ultimately this world will be consumed by sin and the judgement it requires. This paradigm makes me feel hopeful and yet empty. Motivated and yet helpless. That I can make a difference, and yet who am I that I can make an impact?
My encouragement, not only to you but to myself, is that this is exactly where we are called to be. Enabled, but humbled. You’re supposed to feel moved to action, and yet that your action will be inadequate - Because Jesus is somehow the answer and somehow he wishes to use you still. Of course, Jesus’ work on the cross makes all of this small compared to the glory (for some) and judgement (for others) that will come. Yet, sometimes I still don’t understand what it means for Jesus to be “the answer.”
So, for now I empathize with many of you in your emotions and your reactions to this injustice. I pray you suffer well and find hope in knowing that one day God’s glory will cover the earth, in the way the waters cover the sea (Habbakuk 2:14).
1 Peter 2:21 - “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.”
Ephesians 1:7 - “In Him we have redemption by His blood...”